Helaas 6 maanden…
my cat or dog to Trinidad and Tobago?
Dogs and cats may be imported from the following countries without recourse to Quarantine:
Anguilla, Antigua, Australia, Barbados, Great Britain, Jamaica, Northern Ireland, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Republic of Ireland.
Animals from countries not listed above must undergo a period of six
months quarantine in the Government owned dog and Cat Quarantine Station prior to their release.
Application for quarantine space must be made in advance and the relevant import permit will only be issued when space becomes available. A fee of TT $5.00 (2000 rates) per day (exclusive of food) will be charged for each dog/cat on admission to the quarantine station.
Applications for Quarantine space must be submitted in writing to:
The Chief Veterinary Officer
Animal Health Sub-Division
Ministry of Agriculture Land and Marine Resources
St. Clair Port of Spain
Trinidad W.I.
Tel: 1 868 622 1221 to 1225 Ext.256 or 226
On arrival the animal must:
Be confined in an escape-proof cage;
In the case of a dog, be provided with collar and leash; and
Be accompanied by its entry permit.
The application letter should contain the following essential information:
Name of importer
Address in Trinidad and Tobago
Telephone number in Trinidad and Tobago
Number of animals
Expected date of arrival
Permits can be mailed to the importer in a foreign country.
The dog(s)/cat(s) must be accompanied by a Health Certificate attesting to the fact that the conditions as elaborated in the Import Permit (good health and free from symptoms of infectious and contagious diseases) have been fully satisfied. The certificate shall be completed by a Veterinarian who is a full time salaried employee of the National Government of the country e.g Agriculture Canada.
Originals of the Health Certificate and Import Permit must be presented to the Inspector at the time of arrival of the animals at the Port of Entry.
The Inspector (veterinary Officer, St. George) c/o Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Telephone number 1 868 662-5678/5986 must be given a clear 24-48 hours notice of the animal(s) time of arrival to make arrangements for the hand-over of the animal at the port of Entry.
The dog(s)/cat(s) must be presented for detention during the period specified as kennel accommodation can only be guaranteed during the period.
The owner agrees, by signature, at the commencement of the quarantine period, to the rules etc., of the Quarantine Station.